Custom Probiotics has formulated a D-Lactate Free Probiotic powder formulation that has been used most specifically for autistic children. D-Lactate is a by-product of probiotic fermentation that may produce neurological problems.
Custom Probiotics D-Lactate Free Probiotic powder formulation is very high in potency at 250 billion cfu’s per gram. It contains L. Salivarius, L. Rhamnosus, B. Bifidum and B. Infantis. It is dairy free, hypoallergenic and does not contain any artificial colours, flavours, sugar, gluten, soy or FOS.
A few thousand autistic children worldwide have used this D-Lactate Free formulation successfully. We have seen from moderate to dramatic improvement in their conditions ranging from formed stools, reduction of diarrhea or constipation, yeast or Candida control, intestinal flora and food allergy improvement, amelioration of skin conditions, more relaxed and less agitated conditions, better concentration, behaviour, language, eye contact and speech.
The fundamental cause of autism, based on Custom Probiotics’ experience, is severe intestinal flora imbalances resulting in immune dysfunction.
Factors that can have detrimental effect on the intestinal microflora of a child can also have negative effects on their immune system and health. A toxic intestinal microflora loaded with pathogenic bacteria and yeast will have direct effect on the whole body including the brain. Antibiotics, various drugs, vaccinations and a somewhat lower immune system will negatively affect the intestinal flora of a child, creating a favourable environment for colonization by opportunistic pathogens.
Since a direct relationship exists between the gut and the brain, a toxic intestinal environment will also affect the brain. As one mother of an Autistic child indicated “this is the first real genertion of kids whose mothers used antibiotics on a regular basis, so we have less good bacteria to pass on to our babies.”
As a result, a simultaneous reduction of immune, mental and behavioural capabilities become evident in the child. Probiotics thus play an important role in helping autistic children by tackling the neurotoxins and pathogenic bacteria and yeast in the gut.
Probiotics are the most natural way to help normalize the intestinal microflora. It is essential that probiotics be used prior, during and after any intervention that affect the flora negatively especially during the first three years of life. A sugar, gluten and casein free diet is also very important for improving the intestinal flora, resulting in improvements in symptoms of autistic children.
Gastrointestinal problems are one of the most common co-morbid conditions in children with autism. Some studies suggest that the percentage of individuals with autism who also suffer from gut issues is as high as 50%. While several studies have documented a correlation between food allergies, constipation, and diarrhea, there is no definitive understanding of why these difficulties tend to plague individuals with autism, though there are theories.
The most common theory is the “leaky-gut theory,” or autistic enterocolitis, as described by Dr. Andrew Wakefield. Basically, it means that there are larger-than-normal spaces between the cells of the gut wall, allowing undigested foods and other toxins to enter the blood stream. This triggers the immune system to attack the “invaders,” leaving the individual susceptible to food sensitivities and an overgrowth of “bad” bacteria within the intestinal walls.
A study out of Harvard University found that 43% of the patients with autism suffered from “leaky-gut syndrome,” as compared to 0% of the control group. While it is clear that people with autism are more likely to suffer from leaky-gut syndrome, it’s still unclear what causes these issues, and what they have to do with the symptoms of autism.
Many scientists and parents alike believe that gut issues can exacerbate the symptoms of autism. Internet forums are filled with stories of children who suddenly started talking and connecting with others, and who showed a decrease in self-stimulatory, disruptive behaviors, after treating gastrointestinal issues. There is evidence that treating gastrointestinal issues can improve symptoms in some children with autism, but the benefits don’t apply to all children.
One of the most common treatments for GI issues is the GFCF (gluten-free, casein-free) diet. Essentially, this requires removing all gluten and casein from your child’s diet. Gluten is a protein found in grains such as wheat, barley, and rye, and is found in many common foods. Casein is a protein found in milk and other dairy products. Removing all traces of gluten and casein from your child’s diet can be a challenge, as both substances are found in many common foods, but the popularity of gluten-free diets has made it easier to find suitable substitutes for everyday foods.
Many parents report positive changes when their child is on the GFCF diet, including a decrease in diarrhea or constipation, better focus, increased language and social interaction, and decreased self-stimulatory or aggressive behaviors. Unfortunately, these benefits only occur in certain cases. The only way to tell if your child will respond to the diet is to give it a try.
Other treatments for gastrointestinal issues include antifungals (treating for yeast), probiotics, and vitamins. Often, these are used in conjunction with the GFCF diet. Studies show that leaky-gut syndrome can lead to a lack of “good” bacteria along with an overgrowth of “bad” bacteria in the gut, including yeast. Antifungals and probiotics are used to restore proper balance to the intestines, and vitamins are used to replace nutrients that are lost through the leaky gut.
To conclude, whilst it will not cure autism, modifications of gut flora function using probotics can improve symptoms to various extents. This D-Lactate Free Probiotic formulation has been very successful in this respect. It has been used by Health Care Professionals and parents of Autistic children around the world for the past 8 years.
We recommend: Custom Probiotics D-Lactate free powder; Glutamine.
D-Lactate Free Probiotic Dosage Suggestions
Dosage of probiotics used per day is very important and it varies from person to person. Dosage depends on the age of the child, extent of intestinal flora imbalances dues to candida or other pathogenic bacteria.
Therefore our strategy is to start at a low dosage and gradually go up to a dosage that gives optimum results.
We supply child scoops and adult scoops. Each child scoops measures 0.1 grams of our four strain D-Lactate Free probiotic powder which is equivalent to about 25 billion cfu’s. Each adult scoop measures about 0.8 grams equivalent to about 200 billion cfu’s of probiotic bacteria. Growth characteristics of probiotics appear to be species-specific and depend on the amount ingested and duration administered. The greater the bacterial imbalance in the digestive system, the higher the dosage required for positive and measurable results. However the appropriate dosage of probiotics needs to be determined individually. If you get ANY negative reactions as you go up in dosage, then that means you have used too much. Stop the probiotics for one day and go back to the previous dosage.
We suggest taking probiotics first thing in the morning and/or at bedtime, with water.
For very young children ages 1-4, use the child scoop. Below are our dosage suggestions:
Start with one child scoop (0.1 gram) of the probiotic powder first thing in the morning on empty stomach. Dissolve the powder in a glass of dechlorinated water and drink it. Stay at this dosage for about 3 days.
If you do not see any improvement in symptoms, you can raise the dosage to one scoop in the morning and one scoop at bedtime. After 3-5 days, if you are not happy with the results, you can go up in dosage to 2 scoops AM and 2 scoops PM a day. You can go to higher dosages as well, IF need be. Have your child’s breakfast after about 30 minutes from the time of taking probiotics.
NOTE: Every digestive system is unique like a fingerprint. You have to find the dosage that best suits YOUR child. It may be one, two, three or even six scoops a day depending on child’s age and results obtained. Thus gradual increase in dosage is recommended.
For older children, you can start using the child scoop and then go up to the adult scoops IF need be. Below are our dosage suggestions:
Start with one scoop (0.8 gram) of the probiotic powder first thing in the morning on empty stomach. Dissolve the powder in a glass of dechlorinated water and drink it. Do this ONCE a day only. Stay at this dosage for about 5 days.
If you are not happy with the results, you can raise the dosage to one scoop of the powder dissolved in water first thing in the morning, and one scoop at bedtime. After one week, if you are not happy with the results, go up to 3 scoops a day. Have your breakfast after about 30 minutes from the time of taking probiotics.
NOTE: Every digestive system is unique like a fingerprint. You need to find the dosage that best suits YOU. It may be one, two, three or even half a scoop a day. Thus gradual increase in dosage is the best way to find this optimum personal level. Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information or assistance.
STORAGE: Our probiotic formulations must be refrigerated to maintain maximum potency. You can store our D-Lactate free probiotics powders in the freezer, since our probiotics are freeze dried. You can wash and dry the scoops before usage. You can also travel with our probiotic supplements unrefrigerated for two weeks with very minimal bacterial count reduction.
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