Three mistakes to avoid if you want to get rid of Candida overgrowth.

Over the past 18 years, we have helped over twenty thousand people with candida problems. Some of them have had a candida issue for most of their lives, most for several years. They have nearly all tried to tackle Candida overgrowth before, but failed.
Here are three simple reasons why people fail when they tackle Candida overgrowth.

Clearly there can be many reasons why people that try to tackle Candida issues fail, but here I am going to outline three easy to fix issues.


I speak to a lot of our customers personally, and when we are talking about their Candida issues, I always ask them what they have done to tackle the problem before. A lot of them say that they took probiotics, but they did not work. Now, it would be easy to let that one slide, but I always ask which probiotics they took, and ascertain two things that are vital to the success of using probiotics with Candida –

a) how strong are they, and

b) what other ingredients are in them.

The gut has around 100 trillion organisms in it, and when the balance is off, as in a case of Candida overgrowth, then that is a lot of organisms to rebalance. You won’t do it with a low dose probiotic – that is like invading a very big country with a very small army; you are unlikely to be successful.

The gut is a numbers game, and if you want to rebalance it you need to use big numbers of beneficial bacteria. I always recommend between 100 billion and 300 billion bacteria per day. Use less than that and you will probably struggle. If your probiotic is not strong enough and you are getting nowhere, then change it!

Probiotic manufacturers tend to put quite a number of ingredients in their products now, other than good bacteria. Whilst for a normally functioning gut without a Candida overgrowth this may be okay, for Candida sufferers this is not be good news. If your probiotic contains Fructooligosaccharides (FOS), inulin, or maltodextrin, and you are not seeing improvements in your symptoms, then find a probiotic without these in.

This is why we advocate Custom Probiotics in general and their CP-1 formulation specifically – 98 billion bacteria per capsule and none of the ingredients that cause Candida sufferers problems!


Okay, so the anti Candida diet is not pleasant to adhere to, and compliance is difficult. And I speak from experience, because when I did it 20 years ago, for the first week I felt like death warmed up. And I know that most of you want me to say that you don’t have to stick to it, and you will still get the result you want.

But the truth is that the more strict your anti Candida diet is, the quicker and better the result you will get. If you are not strict with your diet, then it is like trying to fight an enemy, and sending them weapons and supplies at the same time – you will be in for a very long fight. I have talked to many customers in the past who have followed Nutritionist formulated (but not strict) diets, for five or more years with no change in their Candida symptoms. Instead, I advocate a short, sharp diet for 6-8 weeks whilst hitting the Candida with high dose probiotics, an anti fungal, and immune boosters. Why 6-8 weeks only for the diet? Because it is a diet for a particular purpose, not a healthy long term diet. It is not healthy to be on a restrictive diet like this for more than 8 weeks.

There is one exception to this approach, and it is that sufferers of CFS or ME often cannot comply with a strict anti Candida diet without crashing due to lack of energy. I advise them to have some carbs so that they can function, and to take a longer term view regarding tackling their Candida issues. Instead of looking to get over Candida overgrowth in one to two months, take a more gentle longer term approach of six to twelve months.

Anti fungals:

If you are going to use the traditional natural anti fungals such as Olive Leaf extract, Caprylic Acid, Oregano, then you need to rotate them every three to four days. This is because the Candida becomes resistant to them quickly, and so they become less effective the longer you take them. So customers that come to us and say that they have been on one of these supplements for weeks or months are quickly advised to stop, because they are wasting their time and money.

I developed Candigest Plus to overcome the two main problems with anti fungals –

a) resistance

b) die off

Because Candigest Plus digests the fungal cell wall, Candida cannot become resistant to it.

And because it digests the whole organism, while not harming good bacteria, there is not the same die off as with traditional anti fungals.

So, avoid these three pitfalls, and you can look forward to quickly overcoming your Candida overgrowth problem!